Die Entstehung der Menschheit – die Legende der Maya

„Three times the creators came together, three times humanity was formed. The first time they made men of clay, with mud they were formed, but these had no understanding and the water destroyed them. The second time they were worked from wood, man was made of tzite and woman of bulrush, but these had neither soul nor understanding, and nature rebelled against them; the monkeys are their descendants. Once again the gods came together and drew lots; from the sacred maize, from yellow cobs and white men were made. Their skin was the color of our land, their eyes were like the cacao grain, their bearing was elegant, their bodies supple, their arms long and their legs strong. Their serene features, crowned by straight black hair, inherited from the grandfathers, of flattening the forehead.“

Aus dem Maya-Museum in Chetumal

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